Summer 2019  08/01/19 7:37:07 AM


Newsletter – Summer 2019

A Newsletter From Your Local Independent Grain Elevator and Crop Inputs Supplier

#Plant19   -- what a spring that not many of us have ever experienced before.  We are quite fortunate in this area as most of our crops got planted … late but still were planted and there are a lot of good looking fields considering the challenges that were faced this spring.  Timely rains in July have been great as well to help give this crop a great chance at some great yields! Continue to control the things you can control to help maximum your chances of producing high yielding, high quality grain to market and/or feed!


Grain Markets

An old saying is that “the market pays for what it doesn’t know”.  So in spring time, we see volatility in the grain market as the weather and planting delays caused a lot of uncertainty in the timing and amount of acres planted to corn and soys in the US. With some nasty spring weather like we had, the US corn acres planted are expected to be lower as is the yield. So there was a run up in the corn price.  Lately, as the crop progresses and more is known about corn supplies in the US and other parts of the world, prices are starting to drop back. Throw in the speculators who tend to drive the price pendulum too far in both directions, the volatility remains high. Two big things the market still doesn’t know are how many acres did the US plant of corn and beans? What is the expected yield of these crop?  Until this is known, expect continued ups and downs of corn especially. There are good contract opportunities for both wheat and corn. The uncertainty of “will our corn make it to maturity” is a big concern so you have to weigh that risk vs the reward of locking in a good price… at least on a portion of your production. Your risk tolerance will help you make decisions you are comfortable with.

For those who buy feed, the run up in corn prices is not friendly... And throw in the fact of sellers not wanting to sell as the price goes up makes it hard to buy corn sometimes. As an elevator, we usually have corn here, but we may not have ownership of it.

Soybean prices are still in murky waters as well -- take the tariff situation, African Swine Fever, the uncertainty of how many acres and yield the US will harvest this fall and knowing another South American crop will be planted in the next couple of months leaves a lot of negative tones to this market.  

But, we all know that things can change in any of these markets with a single tweet, crop report, political issue, etc.  


Managing Fusarium at Harvest

Wet weather this year around wheat flowering left the wheat in a susceptible state to fusarium. Checking fields around the countryside now, even fields that got a T3(heading) fungicide are starting to show kernels in the head  that have been infected with fusarium. Setting the combine up at harvest may help to keep a higher grade of wheat going to the elevator. 

  • Keep fan speeds high to blow out infected kernels out the back. 
  • Lower combine speed to help the infected vs good kernels to separate out the back.
  • Harvest early to stop the growth of fusarium, when grain moisture is above 19% the fungus can still continue to grow.

Reminder also that if you have spring wheat, barley or oats seeded into wheat field to keep the feed wheat separated from the food grade wheat. Discounts could apply if excessive amounts are found in the sample. 

Plant Breeder’ Rights

The Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR) Act protects new varieties that have been granted PBR after February 27, 2015. Any variety protected under this act will be identified through this symbol. Through purchasing this seed, you will be able to save seed through the ‘Farmer Privilege’ in the legislation but selling this seed to other growers is prohibited. This act allows plant breeders to continue investing in research and continue developing improved varieties to growers. For more information check:

Corn and soybeans went in late.. how do I manage my crops now?


After planting and weed control has been completed in the field there are a few last management decisions that can be made to maintain yield potential. Fungicide on soybeans is one of the main ones. This will help to prevent white mould from infecting the plant while the soybeans are flowering. Since planting was late this year, yield potential won’t be as high as last years yields and we have had limited rain over the last couple weeks. Do all acres need to be sprayed with a fungicide? Not necessarily. White mould favours cool wet conditions when the soybeans are flowering so it will largely depend on weather conditions at the time of flowering. Thoughts should then move to if the field is a high or low risk of white mould and the yield potential of the field. High yielding fields with high risk for white mould infection, consider a 2 pass system. If yield potential is high or there is a history of white mould in the field, then a 1 pass program of fungicide on soybeans is recommended. If the yield potential is lower and there is no history of white mould the cost of the fungicide can be used elsewhere on those acres. 


Much of the corn across the countryside is variable within the same field, making management decisions more of a challenge. Western bean cutworm (WBC) and DON have been a hot topic of conversion now that tassel timing is approaching. The late planted corn will result in delayed tasseling, leaving the corn more susceptible for WBC moths to come in and feed on the silks and tassels. WBC has already been found in Ontario fields this season, especially fields with high chickweed pressure. If you plan on monitoring some fields, WBC traps should now be set-up and a reminder to check traps weekly. The pheromone traps are used to monitor for adult WBC moth presence and detect when peak moth flight occurs, not as a “when to spray” guide. With the delayed planting this spring, it’s unknown when peak flight will occur and how that will line up with crop maturity, and with that the impact WBC could have on the corn crop. More information can be found at Field Crop News or at Great Lakes and Maritime Pest Monitoring Network.

Fungicide on corn is another management decision to be made for plant health protection and/or ear moulds. Some things to consider when deciding to spray are the previous crop as pathogens can survive in corn residue, so a corn on corn rotation is more susceptible to diseases. Knowing of fields with a history with diseases also is important as the pathogens could already be present. Weather conditions can play a big role in how the diseases can spread, humid weather with high winds can blow disease inoculant in. Finally the hybrid choice can be the main factor in how much your plant can withstand. To manage for gibberella ear rot (the fungus that can cause the toxin DON) a fungicide has to be applied at silking. Caramba, Proline or Miravis Neo can used to help suppress ear moulds. Northern corn leaf blight has been more of an issue in the last few years and we have seen from trials, it can be a huge benefit to protect the corn leaves from the disease. Other plant health fungicides like Miravis Neo, Stratego Pro, Headline AMP, Trivapro etc can be used. 


Soil Test- It Pays to Invest !  

Learn what the nutrient levels are in your soil and apply nutrients accordingly. After cereal harvest is a great time to test your soils and get P&K applied for what your farm needs. Invest in building your soil nutrient levels to maximize crop production.  Knowing what your soils are hungry for vs. what they are adequate in will be worth the expense in the long run! Also, talk to us about creating “management zones” if you have variable soil types. Soil testing these areas separately can give a clearer picture of where best to apply the fertilizer on a field by field basis.  

Cover Crops and Forage Options

Orders for oats or oat/pea cover crops can now be taken. We are seeing a bit tighter of supply this year with some of the oats used in the spring for extra feed or patching up winter kill in fields. For cover crop seed, it is recommended to seed at 60-70 lbs/ac, if used for green feed bump the seeding rate up to 90-100lbs to make sure the tonnage is there. Just a note that we are seeing some crown rust in Bullet oats. If you are growing oats for greenfeed consider applying a fungicide to maintain quality. Manure or 40lbs/ac N is also recommended to increase tonnage. The following chart from OMAFRA offers other cover crop choices. 


Rapid React Inoculant

Many livestock producers are experiencing a shortage of feed, in part from the difficult growing conditions of 2018 and part from the past harsh winter resulting in more alfalfa winterkill. There is an option for producers in situations where they need to get into their fresh feed as soon as possible. Rapid React Technology (Pioneer) helps to provide stable feed in 7 days while maintaining aerobic stability, and keeping a cool bunker temperature. Rapid React can also be used for emergency forages such as oats and peas, ryelage, and sorghum Sudan grass. Talk with your nutritionist about how Rapid React can fit your feed program.

Importance of Burndown on Wheat Fields After Harvest

Tough perennial weeds in your wheat fields, are easier to control in the fall after harvest. Weeds such as thistles, Canada fleabane, chickweed, dandelion and quackgrass (twitch) are best knocked down in the fall. Applying glyphosate is an option, Eragon (BASF product) also works well if you are targeting glyphosate resistant Canada fleabane. A fall burndown application of a dicamba product such as Xtendimax, Engenia, Distinct or Fexipan tank-mixed with glyphosate is a good way to control tough to manage weeds and with cooler temperatures, the risk for temperature inversions is decreased.  Some growers are spraying fall planted wheat as well to get ahead of weeds like chickweed. It is important to get out and scout the fields before you spray to know what is there. You can save up to 4 bu/ac if you are able to have better control of weeds in the fall. It pays to stay ahead of weed problems!

Chemical Jug and Seed Bag Returns

As we are getting closer to the planting and spraying season we would like to remind growers we can recycle chemical jugs and seed bags

  • Chemical Jugs are required to be triple rinsed, labels and caps removed and placed in specific clear chemical jug bags. Let us know if you need more !

  • Seed bags must be completely empty (bulk bags, paper or plastic) and placed in specific clear seed bags. If you are returning large bulk seed bags please neatly fold them and tie them in bundles of six.

With the upcoming wheat harvest, it is time to think about planting your fall wheat crop in September. Keep in mind your needs for next spring, give us a call to book your 2020 seed and fertilizer.


Have a safe harvest and

Thank you for your business!!

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